SQ Sentence

  • Just Follow the
    Sentence Maps!

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SQ Sentence, An Executive Functioning Sentence Writing Curriculum

Teachers love the research-based SQ Sentence Maps for students to follow!

SQ Sentence is a research-based sentence-writing program that fills an important educational need. Creating well-constructed sentences is challenging for many young students. These writers generally produce shorter, less syntactically complex sentences. Without fundamental sentence construction competency, students’ writing continues to fall behind.

SQ Sentence is easy to implement and helps students stay on track. Instead of an open-ended writing task, students follow research-based sequential SENTENCE MAPS to convert their ideas into well-constructed and grammatically correct sentences. Key components of SQ Sentence include:

  • Individualized Word Banks for student reference
  • Step-by-Step SQ Sentence Maps for sentence expansion
  • Student Workbooks for practice and repetition to attain mastery